Mechanisms to (dis)enable – Book

David Poetry Prize 2014
Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba
Union Editions, Havana, Cuba
ISBN: 978-959-308-181-8

Like a bedroom-galaxy (which is a city and is a tropical island and is an old Russian washing machine) Aurika welcomes her children between the blades. In that kangaroo bag (social / antisocial network) the dialogues and memories turn anchored / cross their lazer sword / draw the torment that the heroine Yenisei or anyone born in the eighties can have as their head. From the Russian dolls to the fall of the wall, from the construction of the congress railway (grows that grows / that grows / that) to that of (dis)enable of so many principles, of drinking soup and brushing teeth four times a day to wait seconds / centuries in front of a old PC, as long as it is connected to the «world». Between one avatar and another, looking for mechanisms to dis/rehabilitate, Alessandra Santiesteban prepares us for change…

Back cover note by Jamila Medina Ríos
Mechanisms to (dis)enable


Una Cuba de Rubik: Holograma de los Año(s) Cero (hibridez, glocalidad, ¿des?posesión), by Jamila Madina (Journal of Hispanic Studies, 2017)


Nada es más cercano a lo hermético que la experiencia, by Marylin Bobes (Juventud Rebelde, 2016)


El tintero. Poesía de Alessandra Santiesteban (Juventud Rebelde, 2014)