Cartographies of daily life

Artistic creation project carried out by migrant women living in Barcelona.

Nau Ivanow. Center of Residences and Creation.
Barcelona, ​​Spain. January – October, 2021
Collective The Trailer

Cartographies of daily life works with the strength and the fragility of women from Latin America, living and working as home employees in the so-called “care” sector in Barcelona. Their lives, their stories of migration, their powerful attitude confronting the difficulties of legal fragility, and lack of proper work rights, are the core of this project.

The legal fragility in which these women mostly live profoundly marks their daily reality and the work environment in which they move. On many occasions, they must face not only the
resignation of their training and professional field of origin, but also questionable treatment by their employers, and extreme workloads.

Hence, their voices, problems and realities still remain in an area little heard, so working with these testimonies and life experiences from artistic practice is essential, not only to
open a first-person reflection on their daily life, but also to generate a space of resilience and strength in the face of the social circumstances they suffer.

Our proposal put its emphasis on their daily life, these micro-universes made of spaces they regularly visit, movements in trains and buses from home to work, daily actions and objects drawing a sensitive map of affections in the city. These maps or cartographies talk about the presence of determined and powerful women, most of them invisible to the system.

The final format is a performative conference, a photographical installation and a collective meal.

+ info:  The Trailer Collective Website


Experts of life/ performers
(here are listed the persons who decided to share their testimony publicly. We interviewed and worked with two dozens of other women though)
Rocío Echevarría
Karoll Urania Suárez
Silvia Llanto
Inés Chilla

Karina Pino Gallardo
Alessandra Santiesteban
Dianelis Diéguez La O

General Coordination and support
Nau Ivanow. Center of Residences and Creation. Barcelona, ​​Spain
David Marín (coordination/management)
Fernando González (coordination/management)

Laia Ruiz (Nau Ivanow)

Production and technical support
Aina Juanet (Nau Ivanow)

Collaborations (associations that work with migrant women in Barcelona and with which we were in contact)
Micaela Collective
Sorela Collective
Sindillar Collective

Special acknowledgment
Vulnus Collective

Nau Ivanow, Barcelona, Spain
(Cartographies of daily life was part of “Project 027”, 2021, framing initiatives involving art practices and social/territorial issues in Barcelona, supported by Nau Ivanow)
PICE Program (AC/E – Acción Cultural Española for the internationalization of Spanish culture)