Outsiders – Book

La Luz Publishing House, Cuba 2023

Collection: Opening Constellations – Theatre

ISBN: 978-959-255-278-4

«A van travels through the country. A distorted country that reinvents itself through the voices of four beings (imagined, fantastic, fictionalized by the crazed imaginary of a ghost nation).

The Marsupia country does not believe in tears. But perhaps it is a great green lake made of tears, sunk under the feet of its inhabitants, who find in a radio program the inquiries/explanations/divagations of their own lives. These are commented by the four protagonist voices that move non-stop in a closed van, a micro-universe detached from the mainland.

Outsiders is born from an investigation on belonging, on the acidity of an imploded, inbred, colorful and singular island.

The four outsiders open this reality, get into the van and dismantle their desire: the only possible desire in a context from which they want to escape: to see, to touch, to feel that supreme presence that is the Po(i)yesis. That same thing that for Pericles used to represent the magic of life, the element beyond the materiality of being. And like the Soyuz spacecraft that flew into space and gazed at the Earth in all its blue immensity, the inhabitants of Marsupia, the voices of a promised but (perhaps) never fulfilled land, continue to put together their own representation so as not to die of tedium.

Ianina Poyesis exists as a state of mind, perhaps as a political criterion. When she makes her triumphal arrival (Mercedes Benz type last model) it is not to establish a civic and dialogic relationship. But to «highlight a fiction over other fictions», as Guy Debord declared in The Society of the Spectacle. She wants to empower herself in this fauna in an imperative way, to take advantage of the media surplus value and crown herself queen of the carnival of the nation. Ianina opens the microphone and speaks to the subjects who have been waiting for her for decades. There is something that is not recognized in her and at the same time is familiar, perhaps decadence. The cult of herself that makes her as famous as the dog Laika and Sputnik, as the earth circumnavigated by Yuri Gagarin and Arnaldo Tamayo.

And she, bestially empowered on her poetic throne and a bit crude, a bit outdated, a bit manipulative, addresses her court of outsiders, making it clear that NEVER, but never in the history of this humanity, can there be another like her. She is La Poyesis. The reality. The context. The true fiction that names them:

I Ianina Poyesis declare
My declaration to all the marsupials of the planet: You do not exist, I exist
You do not exist I exist
You do not exist
You do not have participation Ianina is world universe is individual
I Ianina Poyesis am essence
I am Ianina Poyesis, and this story has already begun«.

(Fragments of the prologue by Karina Pino Gallardo February, 2021)