Campaña de comunicación

Quedarse en cueros (Being naked) es un festival que invita a jóvenes y adolescentes a desconectarse de los dispositivos digitales, alentándolos a redescubrir el valor de los objetos analógicos como una forma de adoptar una actitud sostenible y responsable con el medio ambiente.

El evento busca valorar objetos y formas de interacción humana que han sido eclipsados por el uso constante de las pantallas y las TIC en general. Se promueven actividades lúdicas y colaborativas como aprender a usar brújulas y mapas impresos, cambiar baterías a linternas, escribir a mano, entre otras. La intención, además, es fomentar nuevas conexiones con el entorno y con otros individuos, fortaleciendo los lazos sociales y creando una comunidad que difiere de la virtual.

Piezas realizadas:

  • 5 carteles.
  • 5 videos para TikTok e Instagram.

Being Naked is a visual exercise aimed at promoting a festival that invites young people to disconnect from digital devices, encouraging them to rediscover the value of analog objects as a means of adopting a sustainable and environmentally responsible attitude.

The event seeks to value objects and forms of human interaction that have been eclipsed by the constant use of screens and ICTs in general. Playful and collaborative activities are promoted, such as learning to use compasses and printed maps, changing batteries to flashlights, writing by hand, among others. The intention, moreover, is to promote new connections with the environment and with other individuals, strengthening social ties and creating a community that differs from the virtual one.

Pieces made:

5 posters.
5 videos for TikTok and Instagram.


* This project was carried out as part of the Master of Graphic Design and Web Design at the Center for Innovation and Design Studies (CEI) in Madrid.